Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.

-G.K. Chesterson

The Mosser Family Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Houston businessman, Philip Mosser ,who passed away March 9, 2005. Philip, 37, left behind a wife and three sons. The scholarship also memorializes the late Vicki Mosser, who died on January 30, 2006. Vicki was the beloved wife of Rex Mosser for 42 years and a loving mother.

Rex Mosser is a well-known Texas Longhorn breeder who has been very supportive of the industry. He has contributed to practically every big Texas Longhorn event and promoted these great cattle through his herd of Longhorns.  Rex no longer is actively breeding longhorn cattle, but his dedication to the Mosser Scholarship Fund continues.

Longhorn breeders contribute to the scholarship fund throughout the year publicly at Longhorn sales and by making private donations. Because of the generosity longhorn industry members, the Mosser Family Memorial Scholarship is possible. The donations will help some wonderful, deserving students attend school in the future.


Scholarship Committee



Now accepting applications for 2025 scholarships. 

Ways to submit your application: 

Download this PDF
Complete this online application

Deadline is May 31st, 2025